Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Membuat Input No Telepon Dan Muncul Bendera

Input nomor telepon sering digunakan di beberapa website, kebanyakan sudah menggunakan input nomor telp berdasarkan kode negara mereka dan akan muncul bendera negara mereka, ada salah satu plugin jQuery yang bisa mengubah standar inpuit ke international. kita bisa lihat gambar dibawah biar jelas.

1. Include intlTelInput.css di header coding kalian.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="build/css/intlTelInput.css">

2. Buat standar input nomor telepon

<input type="tel" id="demo" placeholder="">

3. Include jQuery javascript library dan jQuery International thelepon input.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="build/js/intlTelInput.js"></script>

4. Inisial plugin default.


5. Script default, tinggal dicopi aja ya, tidak usah dijelaskan.. hehehe

/ whether or not to allow the dropdown
allowDropdown: true,

// if there is just a dial code in the input: remove it on blur, and re-add it on focus
autoHideDialCode: true,

// add a placeholder in the input with an example number for the selected country
autoPlaceholder: "polite",

// modify the auto placeholder
customPlaceholder: null,

// append menu to a specific element
dropdownContainer: "",

// don't display these countries
excludeCountries: [],

// format the input value during initialisation
formatOnDisplay: true,

// geoIp lookup function
geoIpLookup: null,

// initial country
initialCountry: "",

// don't insert international dial codes
nationalMode: true,

// number type to use for placeholders
placeholderNumberType: "MOBILE",

// display only these countries
onlyCountries: [],

// the countries at the top of the list. defaults to united states and united kingdom
preferredCountries: [ "us", "gb" ],

// display the country dial code next to the selected flag so it's not part of the typed number
separateDialCode: false,

// specify the path to the libphonenumber script to enable validation/formatting
utilsScript: ""

6. Public method.

// destroy

// Get the extension part of the current number
var extension = $("#demo").intlTelInput("getExtension");

// Get the current number in the given format
var intlNumber = $("#demo").intlTelInput("getNumber");

// Get the type (fixed-line/mobile/toll-free etc) of the current number.
var numberType = $("#demo").intlTelInput("getNumberType");

// Get the country data for the currently selected flag.
var countryData = $("#demo").intlTelInput("getSelectedCountryData");

// Get more information about a validation error.
var error = $("#demo").intlTelInput("get<a href="">Validation</a>Error");

// Vali<a href="">date</a> the current number
var isValid = $("#demo").intlTelInput("isValidNumber");

// Load the utils.js script (included in the lib directory) to enable formatting/validation etc.
$("#demo").intlTelInput("loadUtils", "lib/libphonenumber/build/utils.js");

// Change the country selection
$("#demo").intlTelInput("selectCountry", "gb");

// Insert a number, and update the selected flag accordingly.
$("#demo").intlTelInput("setNumber", "+44 7733 123 456");

Bisa langsung didownload di url yang sudah disediakan


Server 1
